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Dear Mother:
I received your air mail letter today, it only took two days too come. It usually takes three or more with an ordinary letter. You should have received more than two letters from me by the thirteenth, I wrote you three letters the last seven days. If Anna ever gets a chance tell her to come up. The place isn't so hot but a person can enjoy themselves just the same. Yes I can get over to Niagra if I want to. Its only four hours run from here. Some of the boys were over last weekend.
The weather has been hot up around here too lately. People have their hay in now but the crop wasn't so very good from what I saw. They grow mostly tobacco and rye up here in rotation.
I got a chocolate cake from Francis yesterday and it was real good, it didn't spoil or harden a bit. I got if four
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days after she mailed it. I hope I get my trunks this week because I am getting a thirty six and I want to go to the Port to swim over the weekend. I think perhaps I will go to Kitchener Sunday It isn't any trouble to hitch hike to there. Any car with room will pick an airforce guy on these roads.
Has Sydney made any move to get the motorcycle fixed yet, or is he still home? Lucy wrote me a letter while I was in Lachine and I answered but I haven't head any more word from her. She must have forgotten.
We are studying on engines still. Next week we will take them apart and study them all over againl They mark us not only by what work we do but also for our deportment and other little things. There is a class leaving here today. A lot of them are going to Mont Joli and Moncton. Out of fifty
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in their class five of them failed. They got Standard Trade. They will work on a station but wont get trades pay.
There isn't much too tell you about my work yet because its mostly routine stuff.
If you can get a khaki shirt in town will you send me one. It has too be khaki for my summer uniform. I have only one good one, the others are work shirts with long sleeves and don't look good with out uniform.
Ihave too go to work now, so write soon again.
Love to all
Envelope post marked St Thomas
Mrs. P.J. Hennessy
West Bathurst
New Brunswick
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