Its been ages since any of your mail has got through but today I got two letters from you, two from Lucy and two from Frances. That makes up for the long time in which I didn't get any at all. yesterday the two photos Frances sent me arrived. Did you see them. Gosh but I think they are pretty nice. She said that I could send one to Papa but I hate to art with either one of them and if I did I wouldn't know which one I like best. The only thing is that they are in too large a frame. I'm going to get a smaller one so I can carry it around in my bag much easier because I do a lot of moving around.
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I was up to London on my last thirty six. Four of us were to head quarters enquiring about Foreign postings but nothing came of it. I was to Mass in the afternoon at Westminister Abbey. I wish you could see the place. Its so much different from any place you have ever seen. All over the place are graves of famouse people. I also saw 10 Downing street but couldnt get any closer than about a hundred yards. Its a very inconspicuous place with the paint all faded. I was up to Buckingham Palace which isn't nearly as big as I imagined it would be. The robots arent as bad lately. I haven't seen one for over a week. But I did hear a couple.
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The weather is rather cold now and will stay this way the rest of the winter. I haven't had any parcels from you for a while but I got 300 cigs from you about a week ago. They arrived in the nick of time because I was complety out of them. After this I'll let what I get in your parcels. The photos were very nice but the ones of the baby weren't so very enlightening. Frances said that she may be going down home to stay because her Mother is all alone now except for the kids.
This is about all I can think of to write now but will write again soon. Had a letter from Dad the other day but he didn't have much to say.
Envelope - front
Postmarked Field Post Office NO 3
Knights of Columbus logo
Mrs. P.J. Hennessy
West Bathurst
New Brunswick
Envelope - back
R201688 Hennessy J.A.
R.C.A.F. Overseas
OCT 1944
No 418 SQUADRON (R.C.A.F.)
Image 1 of 5 Click to view larger image and print letter.