Read the Letter

Canadian Legion War Services
Dec 12, 1941

Dear Lucy

Recived your Radgraph letters and was so glad to get it well I am well thank god I had a wee cold but all better now all our boys are o.k. and look forward for a good Xmas and a brighter 1942. We are haven some wet days here just now the ground is not frozen or we have no snow it seems funny to see not any snow Well how did James make out did he get a deer. Hope he did How is Uncil Alex and the Grils hope they are well have yous much snow yet Well I got the flash light thanks ever so much for it also Sidney it means a lot to me

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to have a light just to go to and fro from the hut to the kitchen. We have a lovely kitchen Hot & Cold water the room are painted Ivory. Well I have a nice place. Say we are going to have chicken tomorrow for dinner. The compay sent me a nice box canned chicken Lobsters Tea Coffee sugar cubes choclet bars gum butter I been haven some good feeds I am keepan your pudding for Xmas and the candy was fine I got the 4 parcels o.k. I got more than any one in the cook staff say I thak yous for the socks and mittons you know we have no snow but the wind is cold I woir the mittons a lot when I go out Well lLucy the days are

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short it is dark at 6 pm and daylight at 9:30 am so you see we have a good rest at night. I haven't been to Fraisers for some time I may go Sunday Mrs. Fraiser sent Momma a Xmas card hope she got it Lucy you and Anna must wright to that little girl in Edinbourgh she is 19. But she is afely nice person She calls me Papa. I sent her address. But here it is again

Miss Esibell Fergerson
16 Carleton Terris

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she works at the Hotel I stay at when I am in Edinbourgh Say Lucy How is Anna and James Bruno Bobby Tom Mamma hope yous well all have a good Xmas. Tell Tom Santy will be here to see us. I gess Lucy I would make one laugh to here the scotch people talk. We had a movey picture last night We will have 2 this week. They showed Death Valley It is a good picture have you ever seen it. Yes the country side is a bit gray looken just now the leaves are all gone. I am getting a new pair of glasses next week from the armey. I got from the Red Cross a slevless jersey

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a coy pair socks. Mittons Ristlers and a cap I am well fixed for the winter So Lucy I gess I will say good by love to all hoping to here from you soon love to all tell Mamma to wright Merry Xmas Happy New Year

Your Papa

Hurah for Scotland he he

Back of Envelope
Canadian Forestry Corps
No. 15 Coy
Dec. 18, 1941

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