Read the Letter

Letterhead Canadian Y.M.C.A C.A.S.F.

Somewhair in Scotland June 26, 1941

Page one (letter no. 4)

Dear Lucy recived your letter to day but the papers did not come but I will get them yet I got the papers Anna sent O.k. I sent Anna a roll of papers did she get them and I am sending Mamma another to day I thought yous would like to see Lord Beaverbrooks Paper because he is from (Canada) oh yes Mrs Fraser got mommas letter she was pleased to get a answer she is going to wright often they are lovely people I was down last Sunday and had dinner with them we had some snaps taken I will send you some

Page 2

Oh yes did yous get my picture I sent I am getting some more and I will send each one yes I sent you and Anna a Handkech from Edinburgh. Did yous get them I sent Momma one did she get it let me know so I will know if things go some one told me that the sincers takes them out. Yes Lucy I also sent some News Post cards be sure and let me know if you got them yes I suppose yous were glade to see Rogar I hope he will make good at the UNB he will oh how I would like to see the Baby she must be cute the dear little heart Eddy Otool is well he is just like a old man he never leaves camp

Page 3

at all he was disappointed he did not get a letter from his wife to day when yous wright he always ask if you speak of her I had a letter from Uncil Mike and Mary Burgiss Mary has a baby girl. Say Lucy I got the lend of a bicycle and went out to the country. Oh what nice palces thair are little villages in the mountains the Hills sides are all covered with flowers quite heavy bush flowers some yellow some pink and lavender oh they are just wonderfull I just wish you could see them and I hope you will some day after this scrap is over

Page 4

Say Lucy yous want to save up your pennies and come over to see this Beautiful country here well thair is quite a scrap going on now I suppose yous here the news every day we have several Raidoes here we get the news from London some American musick but nothing from Canada at all Say Lucy how are the Boys getting along I am glad Bunny got the farming all done we have some lettis sowed and it is coming good this is a wet day it is now 8 oclock in the evening I go to bed at 9 often Oh Lucy it was nice that Lorena could get the dress from Anna

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But she is not so tall as Anna is Well Lucy all the Boys seem happy I wrote to the Boys in England but got no answer yet well I have every second afternoon off I was off to day and I was out to the Lake and fished trout I got quite a lot well I have lots to eat the only thing we don't get is choclet Bars or candy We get some in a long time so Lucy I gess I will have to say cherry O. answer soon

Your Father PJH

PS How is Sidney give him my Best Regards

YMCA logo
H A Currie

Post stamp: Field Post ?? 42

Miss Lucy Hennessy
West Bathurst, NB

Back of Envelope

No. 15 COY. Canadian Forestry Corps. C.A.S.F. July 21 Orderly Room

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