Read the Letter

Letter Plain Paper


Dear Pat,
Thank you for your nice letter which we enjoyed. We were pleased to see that you and your family were well.
We are in our usual here. Mother keeps wonderfully well despite her eighty-four year. Alistair is always very busy. Flora is now in an Edinburgh hospital. Cathie is still at Beauly. Billy has been in London for sometime. He likes London.

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We will soon have hom home for Christmas.
The summer and Autumn here was rather hot. The crops were good, but it was hard going to get the hay and oats secured. The potato crop was not quite so good this year. The turnip crop is very good. So far we are lucky in having open weather and the cows still go out. Cattle and sheep are still making very high prices here.
We were very interested to hear of Marie & Zoel. When Marie was here last year she did talk as if Canadian life suited her.

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My pilgrimage to Lourdes was very impressive. The town of Lourdes had grown since I was last there in 1939. The crowds of people were terrific from all over the world. There were a few Americans at the hotel where I was, but I did not meet any Canadians. I tried to remember all my friends in my poor prayers. We were pleased to hear of Whelton and to know that he and his family are well. Good luck to the Turkey farm.
Recently we had a sale of work for Eskadale Church funds. We made over L 130. The money was needed to

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Put a new fence and gates around the church. Fr. Fraser our P.P. is a very hard worker. Eskadale seems very dull since Marie and Zoel left.
Mrs. Sheaver Beauly, was asking very kindly for you.
Wilbur Brau always asks for you. He was very pleased to hear that Duncan Campbell is still very much alive. Wilbur is always cheerful and helpful. We would miss him very much at Raigmon. This is all my news. Wishing you and your family all the blessings of Christmas and good health in 1959. Kind regards from all.

Mary Chisholm

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